Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Basic Prego Exercise Guidelines

There are so many opinions on what you can and can't do exercise wise while pregnant.  The way I see it, if it doesn't hurt or feel strange, then you're golden.  Just keep it simple to keep it safe.  Tried and true exercises are safest in my opinion.  This really isn't the time to try some new fitness craze... but that's just my opinion.


I can't tell you how many people have asked me, "should you be doing squats while pregnant?"  Ummmm YES!  Strengthen those legs.  Do you honestly think your baby will fall out?  Does it fall out while walking up the stairs or while sitting down into a chair? No. A squat or lunge is performing the same type of motion, so trust me, those exercises are safe.  You should definitely do squats and lunges while pregnant to help support your growing belly.  Plus I heard it helps with pushing during labor!  Safe exercises for legs include: 
  • squats
  • lunges
  • plie squats
  • side lunges
  • straight leg dead lift


Keep them toned!  After your pregnancy, you will have your work cut out for you trying to tone that belly and getting back to your "pre-pregnancy weight,"  don't give yourself more work or added stress by skimping on one of the easiest body parts to keep the same during pregnancy.  Safe arm exercises to try:
  • bicep curls
  • tricep pressdowns
  • seated dips
  • shoulder raises (lateral and forward)
  • shoulder press


This is an important one.  Your belly is growing, so it's very easy to get back pain.  Try to keep this pain to a minimum by doing simple, basic, and safe exercises:
  • rows
  • lat pulldown
  • assisted pull-ups 
  • rear lateral raises


I've also had several people tell me I shouldn't do core exercises when pregnant.  That's not true either.  If you're afraid to do your normal core exercises (since we've been told not to do exercises where you lay on your back), keep in mind that all exercises incorporate your core (squats, lunges, bicep curls, shoulder press, etc.).  Just make sure you're standing up straight, keeping your core tight, and not arching your back or using momentum to lift the weights.  Also, stand up when doing arm exercises, don't sit down, otherwise you're not going to engage your core.  Some safe exercises include:
  • standing core twists
  • plank
  • side plank 
  • mountain climber
  • wood chop with dumbbell

You're welcome :)


  1. What weight limits would you recommend? If the normal is "to failure"'would you adjust that when pregnant?

  2. What weight limits would you recommend? If the normal is "to failure"'would you adjust that when pregnant?
