Monday, May 25, 2015

Mommas and Fitness

I saw this video recently and I just love it.  There are times when I feel guilty about working out because it can seem selfish considering it's something I'm doing for myself.  Jack is usually cooperative but there are times that he cries when I do a circuit, so I have to push it out really fast.  I've wondered if it would make me a better mom to just stop the workout right there and do whatever it is he wants, but after watching this video, I now have a whole new perspective:  I'm teaching him dedication. This thought was reconfirmed as I observed Jack watching this video with such excitement!  I'm hoping it's because he was thinking "this is like my mommy!!!!" (even though he probably just liked the little girl doing the voice over...).  With that said, please watch this amazing and inspiring video!

Mom's Day Post

Happy Belated Mother's Day!
I hope y'all enjoyed it!  We did :)