Tuesday, June 4, 2013

34 weeks! Pregnancy Etiquette

I have a couple of topics this 34 week post.... we'll discuss my workouts (obviously) and pregnancy etiquette, or lack there of.  Now when I say "pregnancy etiquette" I'm not talking about the expected behavior of us pregos, I'm talking about the etiquette towards us, and again I say "or lack there of".  Excuse me in advance for the complaining but I'm hormonal so it's excusable.  When I first found out I was pregnant, I remember one of my personal training clients telling me how she loved the treatment she received while pregnant from strangers.  Everyone was so courteous; holding doors, offering a helping hand, letting her go before them in a bathroom or grocery store line, etc.  They did simple things that were greatly appreciated, especially when lugging around extra cargo (all in your uterus might I add), which is extremely uncomfortable and at at times quite painful for those of you who have yet to experience the "joys" of pregnancy.  With all that said, I rarely get any of this!!!! WTF.  No one cares anymore about us procreating ladies - this excludes my husband FYI, he's truly amazing, and pretty cute too...

See, those are some good genes.  Ok back on topic... I can't tell you how many times I've had a door slammed in my face, or someone book it to get in a grocery store line before me (and I only have a few things - but one of which is a gallon of milk that I'm struggling to hold while I'm juggling my basket of food and purse, oh and baby gut), or my personal favorite, I'll be walking one of my great danes and there's someone coming towards me on the narrow sidewalk (usually a chauvinistic pig, I mean a middle aged male all by himself or two power-walking bitches, I mean two middle aged ladies) and they don't move out of the way!  This eight month pregnant girl and her extra large dog are forced to get into the road... REALLY??!!  This rant may seem as though I feel entitled, however I think these manner lacking individuals are the ones with the sense of entitlement, I'm just hormonal so I can blame my neediness on that, these people are just rude and insensitive.  But anyways, when this happens I just smile and/or say "Good morning!" but then usually give them the finger when their back is towards me - maturity at it's finest. 

Now that I got this off my chest, I hope this will inspire you to hold the door for a prego today, step out of her way while she's waddling on the sidewalk, let her pay for her groceries first because she probably has to pee really, really bad or her legs just hurt from that 15-20 lbs in her belly of a growing baby and amniotic fluid, not to mention the added weight of the groceries she's carrying or pushing around.  If this does not inspire you to do this, then I hope you never get pregnant or impregnate someone because you obviously only care about yourself and are incapable of caring for another human being.  True story.  With all this said, there is one good thing coming out of this lack of etiquette; that same client that told me she loved the generosity of others during her pregnancy also said she was depressed when she had the baby and the generosity abruptly stopped.... I guess I won't have to worry about that side of postpartum depression! HA!

Now on to workouts.  I'm still working out just about everyday!  My cardio is pretty much limited to ellipticals and walking, but I do try to do some light jogging here and there.  I keep my weight training on the light side, not using more than 5-8 lbs. or a 20 lb. straight bar for squats and lunges.  I take adequate breaks in between sets and drink plenty of water..... and it's all paying off!  I just had my 34 week appointment where we also got an ultrasound which was awesome since we haven't seen baby Jack since we found out he was going to be a baby Jack, and he's extremely healthy.  I can't wait to finally meet my little workout partner I've been carrying for the last 8 months!  Here's a sample layout of what our third trimester workouts have consisted of:

20-30 minutes of cardio - walking, jogging, or elliptical
3 sets of 10-15 reps of squats or sumo squats with 20 lb. straight bar
3 sets of 15 seated dips
3 sets of 10 incline push-ups (can't do regular or I'd be bouncing off baby Jack!) 

If you have any workout questions for yourself or just need some advice, please don't hesitate to ask me!  :)


  1. Lmao youre hilarious!

  2. I love your blog! I'm currently 22wks prego and not letting myself be sucked into the usual pregnant "eat whatever you want and sit on your butt" moto. I do cardio, light weights, and some yoga normally every day and feel awesome! Just want to say I love reading!
