Here's what 8 months postpartum looks like on me:
What this pic tells me: I need to clean the mirror, get a tan, and Jack likes selfies as much as Mommy... |
As you can see, there's no evidence of childbearing besides the baby on my hip. So what's my secret? Unfortunately, I have no awesome secret to tell you, just the truth.
As a new mom, who tries to also maintain a small business and a household, I'm not left with much "me time." The only time my hair sees a blow dryer is if we have an event to go to and it's mandatory I look decent. I've mastered the art of putting on make-up with one hand while holding Jack in the other (hence why "hot mess" is my new go-to look.... but I think I pull it off nicely). I can't even remember the last time I went to a mall (I said mall, not Target), not even at Christmas time! Needless to say, I don't have time to hit the gym for hours on end either. Even if I did have the time, I definitely would not have the energy! With the lack of sleep and the constant care Jack requires, caffeine has become a close friend of mine, not to mention carbs, sugar, and maybe wine too (shhhhh! Only sometimes). I just make sure to keep everything in moderation, plus I try to keep active as much as possible. I take Jack on walks or jogs, dance around with him, and play with him all the time. We're constantly moving. I also put him in his exersaucer while I do a 15-25 minute circuit, which he loves. He'll mimic jumping jacks and other exercises I do. I have made a gym appearance here and there, but by no means have I made a routine out of it. As a mom who works, I don't like to take any extra time away from my baby. Luckily, I have a flexible schedule with part-time hours so I still get to spend the majority of my day with Jack. Even though I'm not gone that long, I still don't want to miss any more time with him than I already do. Every minute counts. These times are precious and won't last long, so I don't want to miss a thing (I bet that Aerosmith song chorus is running through your head now... sorry).
With all that being said, I'd like to give some advice rather than a crazy secret: Don't obsess over your post baby bod, just do what you can to stay active and make good food choices. If there was a secret, I guess it would be to stay in control during your pregnancy. If you don't over gain, you won't have much to lose. That's what made my pre-pregnancy body very easy to regain. After all, preparation is the key to success, or at least according to Alexander Graham Bell, but I agree with him.
I do have one more secret to share with you... my Jack bean is freakin' awesome! Oh wait, that's no secret :)