31 weeks of pregnancy.... my pelvis definitely feels it. TMI? Oh well, it's the truth. Either you know exactly what I'm talking about or you don't... and either way you're going to read about it! It's just pressure from the baby and uterus pushing down, and it is very uncomfortable. I think that's why pregos tend to waddle, not because of their size, but that's just my opinion. Unfortunately, I've come to the conclusion that I can't jog anymore because of this pressure. Saturday at my Boot camp we started out jogging 2.5 miles. I felt fine during the run, but I can't say the same for the rest of the day. The pressure on my pelvis was so bad, not to mention my butt and legs as well, I could barely move! When I woke up Sunday it was pretty much gone, but I don't think I want to deal with that again, especially considering it will only get worse since the baby will only be getting bigger. Sorry for the TMI but what else is blogging good for? Here's a 31 week baby gut pic:
Running may be out of the picture, but walking and toning still feel good though! I will say that my fatigue is back (just like they say!) so I take it easy when necessary. I always try to fit in a walk because I believe it's better to fit in some activity than to just sit around all day, but I adjust the length of my walks and pace based on how I'm feeling. Also, in regards to toning, I'm pretty much just sticking to 5 lb. weights now. I've just been doing basic toning exercises for my arms, back and legs to keep my body feeling as good as it can during this uncomfortable stage of pregnancy:
overhead shoulder press
lateral raises
forward raises
bicep curls
seated dips
body weight squats
sumo squats
dumbbell row
dumbbell butterfly
I just pick a few exercises a day or every other day and it seems to be keeping standard pregnancy aches and pains to a minimum, swelling down, cravings and mood swings at bay, etc.
Ya'll come back now, ya hear!