Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nesting mode

So I've definitely been slacking on the weekly posts.... but in my defense I have been busy with training clients and getting ready for Jack to come!  I've been doing that nesting thing like crazy too.  Everything is so organized now (I have always kept a clean house so didn't have to worry about that)!   I've been told it won't stay that way but I'm sure it will. I guess you could say some of my motivation comes from proving people wrong... like ohhh I don't know... staying fit while pregnant? :)  

Speak of, I just had my 28 week doctor appointment (including that gross glucose test! YUCK) and everything is going great, not to mention I feel great too (besides the tummy getting bigger everyday thing, that's kind of uncomfortable - but that's to be expected).   And yes, I am still doing my workouts!  Jogging here and there, walking a lot, and of course toning.  Can't say that I've had any crazy cravings yet, however I did go to Dairy Queen in the middle of the day last week which is very random for me (ice cream is an after dinner dessert thing).  Got a mint Oreo blizzard in case you were wondering - it was delicious. Anyway, here are some bathroom selfies to catch you up on the baby gut progress:

week 26

week 27

week 28

bare belly shot of week 28... looking so happy (probably because I just realized my baby gut desperately needs a tan)
  Now that we're all caught up, I think I'm going to go workout!  I'm thinking 30 minute walk/jog, then 5 sets of 12-15 squats to shoulder press alternating with sumo squats to forward raise.  Keepin' it simple and safe, the way a pregnancy workout should be, especially one in the third trimester!!!!!  Yes those exclamation points symbolize my excitement!!!! I'm getting so close to meeting my baby, Jack!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Prego Problems

(Extremely) short story time: 

A couple days ago I was jogging on the treadmill and something happened to me that has never happened before.... my gut hit the front bar on the treadmill!  Normally this would be upsetting, but since it was caused by a baby gut and not a regular gut, I would actually classify this as very exciting.  Here's what I'm working with at 25 weeks:

I look angry but I'm not

Not only is Jack obviously getting bigger, but he won't stop kicking!!!  No, seriously, I'm talking all day AND all hours of the night too (give or take).  I'm not sure if he's just restless like his mom, or if he has inherited his dad's love for soccer (and hopefully his skill too!).  Either way I'm thinking we are going to have our hands full.

Speak of being restless, I'm still keeping up with my workouts!  Walking, jogging, weights... they're all still feeling great despite my growing gut!  However, my core workouts are pretty much non-existent.  I do have one exercise that still feels good: side plank.  Unfortunately, I hate side planks, so I rarely do them.  But for those of you who don't mind boring stability exercises, your love handles will be so happy during your pregnancy!  Do some side plank with love handle leans after a good cardio sesh and those pesky love handles will be one less thing to worry about post-pregnancy.

My workout for the day:
0.5 mile walk to warm up
2 mile jog (outside so I don't have to worry about baby gut hitting the treadmill bar)
3 circuits of:
12 side lunges on each leg holding 8 lb. dumbbells
10 incline push-ups (so baby gut doesn't hit the ground either)
15 seated dips
30 sec side plank on each side (even though I hate them) 
Fueled by:
raspberry Greek yogurt
2 eggs
and of course a cup of Joe
That's an A+ breakfast and workout if I do say so myself :)